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Lead Your Team to the Future. Online.

The most inspirational and strategic training ever offered to nonprofit staffs and boards is now available online in seven convenient, go-at-your-own pace modules.  

Enroll to experience it, then use our bulk discounts to purchase for your entire staff and board.


What is it?

The Bold Training is unlike any experience ever offered to nonprofits. It helps your team awaken their most magnificent dreams for impact. It eviscerates old thinking about overhead and deprivation. It re-calibrates fiduciary duty to focus on maximizing impact instead of reducing costs.  It’s led by Dan Pallotta, who has written over 75 articles on the nonprofit sector for Harvard Business Review online. He invented the multi-day charitable event industry. His TED talk is the most popular talk on philanthropy of all time, and the 20th most-commented TED talk ever, across all categories. 


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7 Modules

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Learning Reinforcement

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Group Feedback

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Case Studies


 "We’ve hosted the live version of the Training twice, half my board’s done it, and I’m having the rest of the board do the new online Training. There’s simply nothing like this in the nonprofit sector, and to have it online is beyond a dream come true. I know of no other way to systematically align a team on audacity and do it quickly and inexpensively.”


— Sarah Owen, President & CEO Southwest Florida Community Foundation


What can I expect to achieve from the Training?


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An entirely new way of thinking about fiduciary duty, costs, investment, growth, capitalization and impact.

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Liberation from a sense of imprisonment in limited resources and deprivation.

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Four keys to program and fundraising innovation.

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Learn why audacious and strategic dreams are easier to achieve than small and uninspiuring survival startegies.

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Concrete steps for beginning along a new path.

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